



I don’t think its really a penalty ― more like all that anchor text on a page sort of blurs or dulls the relevance signal, and too much internal linking can also make it difficult for the algo to tell which pages are most important.
Eliminating, or lowering the number of internal links in the footer is worth a try. Also note if there are many repetitions of an important keyword in the anchor text anywhere on the page. When that’s done to excess, it does seem like it hurts rather than helps.

●High Rankings(※2)のモデレータ、Randy氏のコメントです。

Almost everybody else seems to load up the bottom of the page with links to all sorts of ancillary pages in an attempt to get the spiders to consider those pages as being more important, being linked to from the home page. When I use a bottom nav block I typically have it linking to just the major pages of the site, my jumping off points most people like to use.

※1 WebmasterWorld:ウェブ関連技術に関して情報交換するサイト
※2 High Rankings:SEOコンサルティング企業